Author: John Hannon

Many of the strategic issues we’ve been thinking about at Justkul Inc. revolve around the intersection between design-thinking and corporate strategy. Although we believe both can be compatible, they are often in tension with one another. One of our hopes is to bring both fields closer together.One concept about which many design thinkers are seemingly…

What is cool? Coolness is a preference objectified. It is usually asserted in relation to a group to which one attributes an authority in the realm of taste. The objectification of the preference is important. To objectify something is in part to grant ownership to another. In the realm of the cool, this is to open an…

I recently re-read Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers. The book is available on, and you can currently download the first chapter of the book here. The goal of the book is to provide a useful framework and set of techniques for developing new business models. Reading it this…

If someone is really trying to be innovative, almost by definition that person will fail from time to time. This is because innovations that have never been tried before are often risky undertakings, and failure is far more likely than success. James Dyson went through 5,127 prototypes before he came up with his famous vacuum cleaner….

For Creativity and Innovation Week (April 15th-21st) I’ve decided to write something about a book that has recently had an impact on how I think about creativity. This is Sticky Wisdom: How to Start a Creative Revolution at Work. The book is relatively short, and can be finished in about a day. It has a…